Chemical Process Industry is incurring loss of thousands of crores of rupees every year due to loss of material as a result of physical / chemical attack. Someone has said "Corrosion is a salient thief" affecting the profitability adversely. Corrosion is responsible for unscheduled shut down and hence loss of productivity.

The products of corrosion, generally toxic metals, add to environmental pollution issues. Further due to loss of material, vessels shells and piping becomes more vulnerable to accidental break down and release of chemicals endangering not only plant safety but adversely affects surroundings. Thus corrosion is cause of concern in SHE management. Contamination of products affects quality and hence profitability.

What a pity, corrosion does not reflect in "Balance Sheet" except indirectly in the form of depreciation! Time has come for CPI to undertake corrosion audit of a plant regularly like energy audit and environmental audit.

ICC has decided to give awakening call to CPI by arranging two-day seminar on "Corrosion & Metallurgy" on 10 - 11 December 2012. The venue of the Seminar is Terrace Hall, WEST END HOTEL, 45 New Marine Lines, Near Bombay Hospital, Mumbai. The detailed program of the Seminar is enclosed herewith for your reference.

The seminar will refresh "insight into corrosion". Corrosion Audit and protection measures will be discussed and deliberated. Application of variety of steels, metals and special alloys will be highlighted. Case studies will enrich audience at the end of day and hope participants will have newer strategies to marshal against this silent thief.


Dr. K. Elaya Perumal has kindly agreed to deliver Key-Note Address. Dr. Perumal is a leading Corrosion & Metallurgical Consultant having four decades experience in the industry. He was Research Scientist, Research Guide and Head of the Corrosion & Electro Metallurgy Section of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. Since 1980 he is acting as a free-lance consultant advising in the areas of corrosion prevention. He has extended his services to various sectors such as oil & gas, oil refineries, petrochemicals, fertilizers, inorganic chemicals, pharmaceuticals & dyes, organic chemicals etc. He is recipient of National Metallurgist Award instituted by Ministry of Iron & Steel, Government of India for contribution in corrosion prevention and failure analysis. He is also recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award by NACE India Section of National Association of Corrosion Engineers, USA for the year 2004.

Other eminent experts from the industry i.e. Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd, TUV, Outokumpu India Pvt. Ltd. etc. will participate and share their experience with the delegates.

Delegates are encouraged to present Case Studies from their own experiences in the Seminar during the time slot on Tuesday, 11 December 2012 from 4.00 - 5.00 p.m. They are requested to send their Case Studies to ICC well in advance but before WEDNESDAY, 5 DECEMBER 2012 to ICC
- Mumbai Office.


Production managers / engineers who are on the spot observers and victim of corrosion must attend and share their experience.


The registration fees:
ICC Members: Rs.7,870/- per delegate (inclusive 12.36% Service Tax)
Others: Rs.8,990/- per delegate (inclusive 12.36% Service Tax)


We also request members to consider sponsoring the Seminar by being Gold or Silver Sponsor:
Gold Sponsor : Rs.1,00,000/-
Silver Sponsor : Rs. 50,000/-

ICC will acknowledge sponsorship support by displaying an appropriate banner at the venue of the Seminar and will also allow 3 complimentary registrations to each Gold Sponsor and 2 complimentary registrations to each Silver Sponsor.

We request members to attend this important Seminar and also depute Senior Executive/s from the organization for the same. Please confirm registration as per the format enclosed and send it to the ICC - Mumbai Office to reach on or before Friday, 7 December 2012. Kindly draw the Cheque in favour of "Indian Chemical Council".

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General


Day-One: Monday, 10 December 2012
09.00 a.m. -
09.30 a.m.
09.30 a.m. -
10.30 a.m.
Welcome Address:
Mr. S. R. Lohokare, Mr. S. R. Lohokare, Chairman, Technology & Energy Expert Committee, ICC
Key-Note Address:
Dr. K. Elaya Perumal, Corrosion & Metallurgical Consultant
  • Corrosion in Chemical Industries: Impact on Society and Guidelines for Education and Research
  • Cases of Corrosion Failures in Chemical Process Equipments with Metallurgical factors as the root Causes
Vote of Thanks
Mr. H. S. Karangle, Director General, ICC
10.30 a.m. -
11.00 a.m.
11.00 a.m. -
1.00 p.m.
Fundamental of Corrosion Engineering & Form of Corrosion (+Cathodic Protection) Dr. Chanchal Chakrabarty
Chief Manager (PHS), RCF, Thal
01.00 p.m. -
02.00 p.m.
2.00 p.m. -
3.30 p.m.
Corrosion Audit & Corrosion Protection Mr. Ramakrishnan/Mr. Kaushik Dutta Gupta

03.30 p.m. -
04.00 p.m.

04.00 p.m. -
05.30 p.m.
Inspection & Testing of Process Equipment TUV / Mr. B. Raghunathan
Day-Two: Tuesday, 11 December 2012

09.00 a.m. -
10.30 a.m.

Basic Metallurgy & MOC for Process Industries Mr. Arun Kulhada
Addl. Chief Engineer (PHS)RCF, Trombay
10.30 a.m. -
11.00 a.m.
11.00 a.m. -
1.00 p.m.
Stainless Steels: Austenitic Stainless Steel,
Duplex Stainless Steel & Others
Mr. Suresh Nayar
Regional Business Head (West)
Outokumpu India Pvt. Ltd.
01.00 p.m. -
02.00 p.m.
2.00 p.m. -
3.00 p.m.
Special Metals & Alloys Mr. S. B. Kunte
Chief Manager (HRD), RCF, Thal

03.00 p.m. -
03.30 p.m.

03.30 p.m. -
04.00 p.m.
Surface Engineering Mr. A. M. Khadilkar
Chief Engineer (PHS), RCF, Trombay
04.00 p.m. -
05.00 p.m.
Case Studies
5.00 p.m. -
5.30 p.m.
Vote of Thanks: ICC
05.30 p.m. Quiz & Presentation of Certificate

Click here to download Registration Form