SEMINAR ON REACH - 15 February 2008


Compliances with the REACh Policy of European Union is expensive and it is necessary for the chemical manufacturers to strategize for incurring least costs. The polymers are exempted from registration but there are tremendous implications for polymer manufacturers.

Seminar will highlight following:

  1. REACh and Polymers
    1. Registration of monomers.
    2. Technical Guidance on Polymers
      1. Monomers are intermediates not subject registration, but, not controlled intermediates.
      2. Unbound substances in polymer that need not be registered.
      3. Restriction and Authorization of polymers
    3. Polymers as such, in preparations and articles
      1. How IUCLID-5 accounts treats preparations
      2. The REACh Law in terms of Articles.
    4. NLP Polymers
    5. Classification & Labeling (C&L) of polymers
      1. Substances
      2. Preparation
        1. C&L of preparations under 1999/45/ec.
        2. C&L of preparations under GHS SDS system.
  2. Regulatory Information in terms of polymers
    1. Search for CAS RN of a complex polymer.
      1. The Structural Repeat Units of a Polymer (SRU) methodology
    2. Chemlist search for regulatory information.
    3. The Toxic Substances Control Act Test Submissions (TSCATS) search
    4. Other regulatory information on STN
  3. REACh in the supply chain
    1. The REACh law on Articles
    2. Timetable for Registration, Authorization and Restriction
    3. The Authorization Process
    4. Why imported articles will have more issues than article made in the EU.
    5. Supply chain analysis
  4. Case Study: Inks, Paints and Plastic Toys.
  5. Migration in laminates under indirect food contact law of the EU. To be contrasted with TSCA.


The main objective of Seminar is

  • To explain implication of REACh on Polymer
  • Classification and Labeling of polymers
  • Polymers as substances, preparation or articles
  • Understanding what additives will be exempted or registered
  • Requirements in the supply chain for exporters Tentative program is enclosed herewith for your reference. Leading experts from the industry will participate and address the delegates.


To defray the expenses, the registration charges will be:

Rs. 1,000/- per delegate for ICC / IPI / AIPMA Members
Rs. 1,500/- per delegate for others delegate


We also request members to consider sponsoring the Seminar by being Gold or Silver Sponsor:

Gold Sponsor : Rs. 1,00,000/-
Silver Sponsor : Rs. 50,000/-

ICC will acknowledge sponsorship support by displaying an appropriate banner at the venue of the Workshop and will also allow 3 complimentary registrations to each Gold Sponsor, 2 complimentary registrations to Silver Sponsor.

On this occasion, ICC intends to bring out a Souvenir, which will contain papers to be presented at the Workshop by the speakers. The souvenir will be extremely useful not only to delegates who are attending but also to those who may not be in a position to attend the Workshop due to prior commitments. We also solicit advertisement support in the Souvenir for which the tariffs are:

Back Cover Rs. 25,000/-
Inside Front Cover Rs. 15,000/-
Inside Back Cover Rs. 15,000/-
Colour Full Page - Inside Rs. 10,000/-
Black & White Full Page - Inside Rs. 5,000/-

Please confirm your space for advertisement immediately by sending the advertisement material (SOFT COPY) together with the payment.

Please send your release order together with the material for advertisement (soft copy) at the earliest to ICC office.

We request members to attend this important Seminar and also depute Senior Executive/s from the organization for the same. Please register the delegates giving details of the participant such as: NAME, DESIGNATION, COMPANY NAME & FULL ADDRESS, TELEPHONE/FAX/ EMAIL etc. to the Mumbai Office of ICC to reach on or before 13 February 2008. Kindly draw the Cheque / Demand Draft in favour of "Indian Chemical Council", payable at Mumbai.