Dear All,
Greetings from Indian Chemical Council (ICC)
You will be glad to know that the Indian Chemical Council (ICC) is organising a webinar on Responsible growth of the Chemical &Petrochemical industry and Perception Management on 7th October 2020 from 1500 hrs. It will be a session of 75 minutes with 60 minutes of panel discussions followed by interactive Question/Answer session.
Chemical and Petrochemical industry is a crucial and diversified industry. It provides key building blocks to a host of downstream industries such as automobiles, textiles, infrastructure, pharmaceutical, healthcare, packaging and many more.
Chemicals and Petrochemicals have an interface with our everyday lives. While the usage and benefits of this industry are manifold, the industry gets branded as a polluting industry, despite the significant contribution of the sector in improving the quality of life as also the national economy.
It is noted that if there's one industry that is most misunderstood across the world in spite of being very essential for mankind's wellbeing, it is the chemicals/petrochemical industry. This negative perception is one of the biggest challenges facing the industry globally. It needs to be corrected.
The facts or myths regarding the polluting characteristics of chemicals/plastics need to be addressed in a scientific manner. As a matter of fact, in the coming decades, the chemical industry has to promote sustainable development by investing in technologies that protect the environment and stimulate growth, while balancing economic needs and financial constraints. There is a need to highlight the benevolent side of the chemical industry and to facilitate its growth in a responsible manner. This webinar is a part of such efforts.
The Webinar will be inaugurated by Sh P Raghavendra Rao,IAS(Retd) former Secretary Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India. He will deliver the Inaugural address. Following renowned industry captains will be sharing their perspective and facilitate the way forward. The program of the webinar is attached.
Being an initiative to facilitate Atam Nirbhar Bharat initiative and to encourage safety in the Indian chemical and petrochemical industry, there is no participation fee. At the end of the presentations by speakers, there will be a discussion session to give opportunity to the participants to clear their doubts and concerns. The attached flier provides more details Sponsorship opportunities to facilitate such positive efforts are also available. The same is also attached. Please consider same appropriately.
We urge you to join the webinar or depute suitable officials from your organization for the same by registering in the weblink indicated.
Registration link -
After registration, you will receive an automated email sharing login details.
Timely registration will be appreciated. For any further information and clarifications etc, please contact the following:
Mr. Kunal Jain, Dy. Secretary, Indian Chemical Council (9711133283 /
Mr. Rajat Sharma, Officer, Indian Chemical Council (9650895567 /
After the webinar, the results of discussions will be taken up to facilitate follow-ups. We look forward to welcoming you.